Thursday, May 19, 2011

Theatre; a Family Favorite

So, I was a theatre major. I never planned on letting that have any sort of impact on my children's choices in life. I loved drama, loved comedy, and I always will. But apart from bringing them to see shows once in awhile, I had no dreams of child stars or even asking them if they wanted to take classes. However, fate, in the form of a wonderful Sunday school director and his wife intervened. The kids did an annual Christmas pageant with Tina for years, and then a memorable year of religious ed with Dino, with a multi-generational show at the end of the year; Lily, Aragorn and I were in it. When they moved on to start their own theatre for children, the kids were invited to try out for a show. A friend even offered to carpool. That was the beginning of a long history of fun shows at the Center For Living Arts. For adults and older children; "Rent, the School Version" is playing this weekend. I just saw it; a fantastic production all around!

Here are a few photos from their latest show; Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. It was also, for Waldorf parents, an excellent reason to make the two older ones listen to that whole part of the Old Testament again, along with their sister who is in third grade. We used Jakob Streit's "Journey to a Promised Land."

Special New Blogs

Today I would like to feature new or newer blogs that have captured my attention or imagination and that you may like too. The first two are very special, as they are written by children. The first is a blog full of interesting tidbits that keep life full of the desire to learn: The second, written by one dear to my own heart, is primarily book reviews by a true lover of books;

Next up is a family whose lives are rich and a little different, but not as much as you might think. Since I always wanted to live in the country with lots and lots of children, and discovered a little bit late that midwife would have been my vocation of choice, her life has always seemed perfectly lovely to me. The past couple of posts are on stinging nettles and herbal healing traditions, there are others a little more controversial...and served straight up!

My dear, long-time friend from France has started her first blog, and it is a delicious treat for one's tired eyes. Just taking a tour through her beautiful blog; one of flowers and antique finds that she fixes up or uses in new ways, has made me feel more French. I've been inspired to dig out things hidden away in cupboards and visit my local thrift and resale shops looking for that perfect something to do a mundane job in a more beautiful way. Ugly compost (slop) bucket...finally replaced by a blue and white porcelain canister, broken soap dish replaced by brown plate, now replaced by a very kitsch-y swan holder. Don't let the language deter you, just soak up the sights, if nothing else. She has promised an English version soon.

The kids are wondering just when breakfast will be today...Happy blog browsing!

Family Business

While traveling this weekend, I had the opportunity to visit with my brother and his good friend. His friend has owned his own bar since he was in college, but we had never been to visit, the 4-hour drive with a small space at the end not so appealing with small children. Now that they are a little older, we could finally accept the open invitation and go see "The London Underground." We all had a great time!

They had informed all of the regulars that we would be coming, and they all showed up to greet us. J. has created a warm,friendly, intellectually-stimulating, fun place to be. The kids loved it, there were cupcakes, kiddie mocktails, foosball and darts. Oh, and non-negligible point; they were in a bar, too cool for the teens.

The Great Unveiling Project

We were privileged to be invited to the most fun service project ever last weekend. Friends of ours organized the removal (ripping off) of a shingle-like siding in order to renovate the house to its original state of beauty.

We showed up at 8am, with other families, one that brought 6 children along. It was a great work session. They used hammers, crow bars, wheel barrows. Puck, 3 and Arthur, 6 spent a lot of time in the dumpster, tossing shingles to the back and removing nails.

Thank you for the opportunity, we had a great time! We felt like something had been accomplished too; here are the photos.

Your State Capitol

How many of us have ever taken the time to visit their state capitol building? Ah, or is it just our family, a little allergic to road trips and with a European mentality, regarding driving distance, who has not done so until now? 

Well, we did visit our Iowa state capitol building in Des Moines this week and what a treat! The first time I ever saw it was when I was 18, and I come from a family who loves to travel. I guess it just didn't seem worth a trip, until I needed to visit my senator's office. Even then, it was a quick in and out, with a lingering memory of grandeur I did not imagine existed in my home state. This time we took as much time as we liked, wandering around and exploring for a long time. 

Photos were not easy, but here are a few. And give a thought to this wonderful homeschool field trip opportunity, it's free, it's educational, (you can organize a visit with your senator and easily join a tour) and in Iowa, it is a work of beauty and wonder.