Friday, March 17, 2017

The Magic of Nighttime Snow/Cub Scout Outing

This was a guys' night only; Charles was skiing with his Boy Scout troop, and Thierry kept an eye on Gael and the Cub Scouts who were sledding like madmen (it was probably a good thing Mama was not there stressing). Thank you for the photos, mon cheri, they are a treasure!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Knitting and Books: An EZ Jacket and the Law

What a week, and it's only Wednesday. Monday night, after clearing a FOOT of snow off my car, there was still parts I could not reach, way in the middle. I had to drive to work Tuesday, with a mohawk on my car. I was not in San Francisco this was Wisconsin.  Trial cancelled and I turned around and drove back home. No cozy nights knitting in my hotel room, no adult dinners with colleagues, hearing about their far away travels and homey projects. But I have the great, big fat joy of being home again with my family, and there is nothing quite as nice in the whole wide world!

Joining Ginny's Yarn Along at

I love the concept of sharing what one is reading and what is on your needles; especially when it is clear that the sorts of people who knit and read seldom have just one of either going at the same time. A choice then, what to share this week? And a chance to be curious, what is everyone else knitting? Here, then, are this week's two obsessions; the EZ Tomten Jacket I really, really want to complete...yesterday, and the dictionary. I kid you not. The more I learn about law, the more I discover I need to learn, and this has been my constant companion day and night while I prepped for a trial earlier this week. So here is an ode to  Elizabeth Zimmerman, and to Jean-Daniel Katz, two maestros.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Ze Moustache

Knit-Along with Ginny at Small Things

Here is my read of the week, and one of the itsy-bitsy parts of a project that has been ongoing; a mustache for a monster. Completed monster coming soon.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Chicken Soup and Honey

"I'll have my tea now," from the apparently sound asleep little boy I was checking up on. He'd gone to bed with a fever and conked out before finishing his mug of tea. None of this was going through my mind just now, tea? Huh? "Child, it's three in the morning, how about water?"

"O.K., but I'm hungry and I'm going to throw up."

"I'll get the tea." Resigned and more than half groggy, I leave my little guy IN HIS BED and go down to fetch a cup of chamomile, because chamomile is good for upset tummies. When I return, child is in the same position, and he matter-of-factly lets me know he has barfed, his term, not mine.

It has been a hard week; norovirus, better known as "stomach flu", influenza, three kids down, and they have been taking turns being ill with one or another, or both at the same time. Yesterday, it was at the point where the decision was made not to make lunch, on a Sunday...radical around here. There was not an able-body among the three kids who were home. Their positions ranged from curled on a sofa under a bathrobe to face down on a bean bag with another bean bag on top for warmth. My husband, after making pancakes for all of these unhungry little beasties, decided a bike ride was in order.

I sat and ate something, still in my sweats, because I had begun working on taxes early in the morning in bed, and had simply not transitioned to full wakefulness, while Gael had a bowl of chicken soup, then Valentine decided she would have a bowl of soup too. Charles was still sprawled over the love seat in the sun. They ate slowly, but I could see that the heat of the soup was bringing back a little color in their cheeks. "Charles; a mug of soup, sweetie?" "Hmm, what, huh? Yes, please, I think. If it's already warm." "It is no problem to warm it up again." "No, never mind, don't trouble yourself." "It is already done, come over!" And there we were, a family. We were rather a motley crew, but beginning to talk, and argue and tease...and heal again. 

Checking in: one week later. I did not even have a minute to hit "publish," when Duncan was also hit with the flu, and then my husband. Goodness. One of the first things I did was buy a giant jug; three or four lbs. of local honey, to put in their tea day and night. Two days ago, I returned to the whole foods store for another jug; we were out. Whether it is from my licking the spoon after stirring in honey for everyone else, or, as Thierry claims, out of sheer stubbornness, I have not been as ill as everyone else.  There is fresh bread baking and soup's on for lunch, with honey for dessert.