Wednesday, September 17, 2014

France and Interior Design

Over the years in France, I have admired many different ways of making a home beautiful, elegant, inviting and warm. I was also born to parents with a fabulous sense of style and the work ethic to make it happen. The French are so good at this art! From France, I have posted photos of places that were prepared for us with love by relatives; 

A blog by a lovely, incredibly creative, French friend:

Among the many castles, modern homes and urban chic that I have visited and soaked up, there is one home that speaks to me more than the others. The reason might just be this; my friend, Elise, lives in a fairy-tale world she has created and brought into reality, just like me, except she is also good at decorating. 

The world is one where it is not insanity to be married with seven children, nor to homeschool them, nor to educate them in music, art, literature and, in her words; "l'apprentissage du beau," or "training in the recognition of beauty." We both know perfectly well that the world thinks we're nuts, and in more lucid moments, we are aware that there is some truth to that, but generally, we go along our merry way and heed not the less enlightened.

Here are shots of their country home, which, according to them, is a work in progress, and this was photographed with 12 children present and active throughout the house:

Entry hall:
Library/game room/extra guest bedroom:

    How's this for an elegant growth-chart? A row for each summer:

                           Two of many sweet little corners:

Detail of new flooring: designed to look as old as the house:

It's all in the attention to detail...and an eye for "le beau."

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