
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Leek and Potato Soup: The Base of French Cuisine

Leek and Potato Soup, the Base of French Cuisine

This is a recipe that all of my children over five know how to make, easy and delicious.
3 leeks
3 potatoes
1 large or 2 small bouillon cubes or 1T "Better than Bouillon" any flavor
salt, pepper

Fill a 3-4 quart pot with water, add salt, heat to boil
Cut leeks lengthwise and chop into 1/2 inch slices, soak, wash, rinse, repeat until all sand and dirt is gone (2-3 times).
Wash and peel potatoes, cut into 1/2 inch cubes.
Put both into pot, add bouillon, bring to boil then lower flame to simmer for 30 minutes.

Once soup is finished, you may add pepper, if desired. It can be served as is, or pureed in a blender. Some kids prefer it pureed and served with a straw, it goes down faster when it's new.

Variations: add any other vegetables, a hamhock for non-vegetarians. Pierre's grandmother adds beans (Great Northern), carrots and angel hair pasta (the short variety).

If you are planning to eat a chicken that week, plan the soup for the next day. Chicken soup recipe for tomorrow.

Serve with a loaf of bread. And it would be a shame to forget the red wine.


  1. Mmm, we make a similar soup too. We add some parsley though and serve it with a dollop of sour cream. This soup freezes pretty well too!

  2. Love soups. Soupe de poireaux-pomme de terre ... yummy! The other day I made pumpkin-chestnut soup, my favourite autumnal soup.

  3. Yum. I love, love leeks! We Actually made this soup last night, lol. I read this blog post yesterday morning, and just had to make it. We added beans and carrots- perfect. I like to saute leeks and put them on top of salmon, chicken, etc.


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