
Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Book I Would Take With Me

You know the old dinner-conversation question; if you were headed to a desert island and you could take only one book, what would it be? This book is definitely on the top of my list, especially if I am going to be on that island with my children.

It is "that book" that we reach for over and over, as we learn about the seasons, history, math or grammar. Sometimes we learn a poem by heart by reciting and copying it, sometimes it is just the reading for the day.

I am a lover of poetry, so I love that I can find works by the great poets of times past as well as lesser known painters of verse. There are poems about the weather, animals, numbers, love and war. When I want a little teacher inspiration, I look to verses by Steiner. When we need a new grace to remind us to be thankful for all that we have, I look here. And sometimes I look for ways to tell my children how much trouble they are in or how much I love them in new words. This is the book I pick up first. 

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