
Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Joys

A Good Friday bike ride with my husband, discovering new parts of the bike path, along my favorite park and suddenly, around a corner; a beach, wild and sandy with driftwood branches, just outside the city.

Not this one, but remarkably like it, all cold and cloudy, but with no one else there. Good Friday-ish.

Family! The best part of Easter, thank you, all,  for coming and making it wonderful.

Early a.m. anticipation...did the bunny show up this year again? Did he leave anything good?

Even the oldest children are out and egg-hunting (I love it!):

There was artwork all week, first the blowing and waxing and dying of Pysanky eggs:

 And window-star making on Easter, for the brave and curious, led by GaĆ«l:

There was a gift of beautiful eggs, made by my sweet niece, Sam and my sister:

And uncle and aunts, nephews, and my parents...who brought absolutely all of the food, but the pies, which I began and commissioned my dear husband to finish:

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