
Saturday, January 7, 2012


We all have parts  of our lives that need improving. It is sometimes sort of like a support group meeting for addictive behavior; first order of business: "know thyself," or recognize what area needs some work. Then and only then can one make a commitment to improve. 

My little girl has come back to homeschooling after a semester of school. She had a great time, made progress in many areas and still returned to the rhythm she loves, that of homeschooling. She is the first to acknowledge that though her brain works through math like a fish swims through water, and she loves reading as much as the other two, when it comes to writing, it is a delicate matter of hate and loathing. The thing is, I have seen her handwriting when she wishes it to be beautiful, she does just fine, the rascal. Yesterday we set about going from illegible to fine, in 2 painful steps; do and redo. 

My two older children constantly work on their musical skills; piano and guitar. I am so proud of how they take this on themselves, pounding and strumming away for hours for the pleasure and to get it right. The younger two have a passion for getting their jumps on the trampoline just right, or building the perfect Lego machine. Hours pass like minutes in these pursuits. Sometimes they do not, like when they are cleaning their room or folding laundry, nevertheless, it all needs to get done. Both kinds of tasks give us a sense of accomplishment and having a day that was just a little better than the day before.

As for me, per the previous post, I am studying for certification in medical interpreting. I get by fine now and I am able to do my job adequately. However, I know how much more I will be able to understand, medically, what is happening with my patients and that I will be all the more able to help them understand in turn. I am motivated and desirous to learn more, enough to certify for medical interpretation, and beyond. My granny squares are looking pretty good too, as I plod through crochet 101!

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