
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kung Fu and the Munchkins

This is one of those things that has been brewing...the children's interest in martial arts combined with our desire to know they can defend themselves, should the need arise. My hesitations thus far had to do with adding one more thing to our schedule, taken care of by subtracting one, and wondering to what use they might be able put their new-found skills (scary when you think of how much they um, joust, already). Once we decided that the benefits outweighed the risks, we thought about it another year or so until we met a Kung Fu teacher at an art festival. That was what it took, Aragorn thought he was great, Daddy agreed, we gave him a ring.

So, they've been learning Kung Fu for the past few months with the most wonderful master (John Morrow of Morrow's Academy) we could have hoped to find. He is accomplished, kind, takes an interest in life in the community and the world, and keeps the little boogers under tight discipline. (Not my strong point.)

Only the four oldest are able to go to class, which leaves Puck out of the picture. But Arthur has been training him in the wazas (steps of the Kung Fu dance, to my way of thinking), and that's why he requested a cake to celebrate his progress in his "homeschooled Kung Fu" class.

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